Here is a breakdown on how I rate the beers I try:
10 - One of my favorite beers. Definitely something I could / would drink all the time.
Example: Dogfish Head / Sierra Nevada: Life & Limb
9 - A great beer that I enjoy drinking anytime. Example: Leinenkugel's: Sunset Wheat
8 - Still a good beer that I wouldn't mind drinking most of the time.
7 - An above average beer for my tastes. A good beer, but not something that I
would want to drink all the time.
6 - Pretty much an average beer.
5 - Average beer that is ok to drink when I have little choices. Example: Bud Light
4 - Below average beer that takes some desperation to drink.
3 - A beer that is worth drinking only when there is no other beer to be had. Example:
Coors Light
2 - A beer that is not pleasant to drink at all, but the only reason I choke it down is
to not waste someone else's hard work. Example: Samuel Adams: White Ale
1 - One that should not be drank by any living being on this planet. Not many fall in
this category but I'm sure I will unfortunately stumble upon at least one in my
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